Zimbra Tips: How To Protect Policyd WebUI
Still talking about Policyd. When you access policyd webui, it’s not
asking username and password. So, everyone can access policyd
configuration via webui. To protect policyd webui, we can use three
ways. First, we can stopping Apache service Zimbra with zmapachectl stop.
Second, we can use firewall to protect and third, we can use login
username and password with htaccess. From three options available, i am
recommended to using third option. This is how to protect policyd webui
using username and password with htaccess.
fill with the following lines
create htpasswd file, username and password
change username and password with username/password do you want. Edit httpd.conf Apache Zimbra
add the following configuration at the bottom
Restart Apache Zimbra service
please try to access policyd webui via browser. it would asking username and password like the following picture

Good luck and hopefully useful
AuthUserFile /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
"User and Password"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
/opt/zimbra/httpd/bin/htpasswd -cb .htpasswd USERNAME PASSWORD
change username and password with username/password do you want. Edit httpd.conf Apache Zimbra
Alias /webui /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/
<Directory /opt/zimbra/cbpolicyd/share/webui/>
# Comment out the following 3 lines to make web ui accessible from anywhere
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
- zimbra -c
"zmapachectl restart"
Good luck and hopefully useful
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