Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6

OSSEC is an open source host-based intrusion detection system that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection.
Running on different systems (Windows, Linux, MAC, …), collected data can be stored in a mySQL database and some reports can be displayed using the web gui AnaLogi.


Starting from the CentOS 6.4 minimal installation, this procedure relies on three main packages:
    1. mySQL v5.x database
    2. OSSEC v2.7 log analyzer
    3. AnaLogi v1.3 ossec-wui

Install mySQL

Update the system and install mySQL packages and compilers.
# yum update
# yum install mysql-devel mysql-server gcc make

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
To work properly, SELINUX must be disabled.
# vi /etc/selinux/config
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Enable mySQL to start during system boot and start the service.
# chkconfig mysqld on
# service mysqld start

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Secure mySQL running the following command.
# /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6

Install Ossec and create mySQL db

Using the command wget, download the OSSEC package and decompress the file.
# wget
# tar -vxzf ossec-hids-2.7.tar.gz

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Because by default is disabled, enable mySQL in OSSEC.
# cd ossec-hids-2.7/src
# make setdb

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Create a new mySQL database to save OSSEC alerts.
# mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database ossec;
mysql> grant INSERT,SELECT,UPDATE,CREATE,DELETE,EXECUTE on ossec.* to ossec@localhost;
mysql> set password for ossec@localhost=PASSWORD(‘password’);
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Import the schema for the new database from the OSSEC installation directory ossec-hids-2.7/src/os_dbd/.
# cd ossec-hids-2.7/src/os_dbd
# mysql -u root -p ossec < mysql.schema
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Now proceed with OSSEC installation executing the file
# ./
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Hit the ENTER button to start the configuration process.
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
After pressing ENTER, system compiles and install OSSEC in the computer.
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
If everything goes smoothly, the installation finishes without any warning or error.
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
If OSSEC works behind a firewall, the communication with the agent occurs through port UDP 1454.
It’s now time to set the mySQL parameters in the OSSEC configuration. Edit the file ossec.conf.
# vi /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf
Add the following lines:
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Last step, enable mySQL and restart the service.
# /var/ossec/bin/ossec-control enable database
# /var/ossec/bin/ossec-control restart

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6

Install AnaLogi web interface

Because AnaLogi is a web interface for OSSEC that replaced the outdated ossec-wui, we need to install Apache and PHP in our system.
# yum install httpd php php-mysql mod_ssl
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Enable Apache to start during system boot and start the service.
# chkconfig httpd on
# service httpd restart

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Because AnaLogi is stored using git repository, we need to install the git package to retrieve the files from the website.
# yum install git-core
Once installed git, download the AnaLogi package using git clone command.
# cd /var/www/html
# git clone
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Assign ownership of AnaLogi directory to user apache.
# chown apache:apache analogi -R
Rename the configuration file.
# cd /var/www/html/analogi
# mv db_ossec.php

Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Edit the db_ossec.php file and amend the SQL parameters to reflect your installation.
# vi db_ossec.php
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
If you want creating a virtual host, edit the Apache configuration file and add the following lines:
# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerAdmin admin@nolabnoparty.local
   DocumentRoot /var/www/html/analogi
   ServerName lx6-ossec01.nolabnoparty.local
   ErrorLog logs/ossec-err-error_log
   CustomLog logs/ossec-access-access_log common
   <Directory /var/www/html/analogi>
      Allow from all
      Options -MultiViews
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
Restart Apache.
# service httpd restart
Open your browser and type the URL address:
If you can see a similar screen, OSSEC server is working properly.
Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6

The OSSEC server is now fully functional, last step to perform is the creation of agents for your clients.

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