Setup OSSEC with mySQL and AnaLogi in CentOS 6
OSSEC is an open source host-based intrusion detection system that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection. Running on different systems (Windows, Linux, MAC, …), collected data can be stored in a mySQL database and some reports can be displayed using the web gui AnaLogi. Prerequisites Starting from the CentOS 6.4 minimal installation, this procedure relies on three main packages : mySQL v5.x database OSSEC v2.7 log analyzer AnaLogi v1.3 ossec-wui Install mySQL Update the system and install mySQL packages and compilers. # yum update # yum install mysql-devel mysql-server gcc make To work properly, SELINUX must be disabled. # vi /etc/selinux/config Enable mySQL to start during system boot and start the service. # chkconfig mysqld on # service mysqld start Secure mySQL running the following command. # /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation Install Ossec and create mySQL db Using the com...