Difference between GET and POST methods
HTTP HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ) is developed to interact with servers through request-response protocol. A web browser is a client and the program is on the server in order to interact we use the HTTP. The are two popular http Methods GET POST The GET method The get method uses a url string to send the data to the server using the following syntax. /test/demo_form.asp ?id1=var1&id2=var2 Some of the features of the GET It can be cached It will remain in the browser history They can be bookmarked Don’t use this while dealing with the sensitive data It has the length restrictions It is used to retrieve data The POST method The post method uses a secure port to transfer the data to the server. POST /test/demo_form.asp HTTP/1.1 Host: codingsec.net name1=value1&name2=value2 They are not cached They are not present in the browser history They can’t be bookmarked No restrictions in the data length. GET POST BACK button/Reload Harmle...