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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2016

Difference between GET and POST methods

HTTP HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ) is developed to interact with servers through request-response protocol. A web browser is a client and the program is on the server in order to interact we use the HTTP. The are two popular http Methods GET POST The GET method The get method uses a url string to send the data to the server using the following syntax. /test/demo_form.asp ?id1=var1&id2=var2 Some of the features of the GET It can be cached It will remain in the browser history They can be bookmarked Don’t use this while dealing with the sensitive data It has the length restrictions It is used to retrieve data The POST method The post method uses a secure port to transfer the data to the server. POST /test/demo_form.asp HTTP/1.1 Host: codingsec.net name1=value1&name2=value2 They are not cached They are not present in the browser history They can’t be bookmarked No restrictions in the data length. GET POST BACK button/Reload Harmle...

What is the Difference between SOAP and REST ??

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Web services that are used to communicate in-between applications that are being developed in many programming-languages and running on different platforms. Like a Java application running on linux platform can communicate with a PHP application running on windows platform. There are two types of web services, SOAP and REST. Let us discuss some main differences between them. SOAP vs REST – Difference between SOAP and REST Web Services S.No SOAP REST 1. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. REST stands for Representational State Transfer. 2. SOAP is a protocol. It defines some standards that should be followed strictly. REST is an architectural style. It doesn’t define so many standards like SOAP. 3. SOAP is highly secure as it defines its own security. REST inherits security measures from the underlying transport. 4. SOAP message request is processed slower as compared to REST. REST message request is processed faster as compared to SOAP. 5. SOAP supports only XML ...

WAN link load balancing

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W A N link load balancing In the same way that incoming traffic can be load balanced, outgoing or WAN traffic can also be load balanced and for the same three reasons. 1 .  Reduce the places in the work flow where a single point of failure can bring the process to a halt. 2 .  Expand the capacity of the resources to handle the required workload. 3 .  Have it configured so that the process of balancing the workload is automatic. Often, it can be just as important for an organizations members to be able to access the Internet as it is for the denizens of the Internet to access the Web facing resources. There is now a  WA N Load Balancing  feature located in the  N e t w o r k  section of the GUI (“WAN LLB”). As part of the new WAN Load Balancing feature, the FortiOS 5.2  R ou t e r > Static > Settings  GUI page has been removed. WAN Load Balancing should be used instead of the 5.2  E C M P Load Balancing Method  s...

High Availability Log Processing with Graylog, MongoDB and ElasticSearch

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Graylog is an open-source log management tool. Similar to Splunk and LogStash, Graylog helps centralize and aggregate all your log files for full visibility. It also provides a query language to search through log data. For large volumes of log data in a big production setup, you might want to deploy a Graylog Cluster. Graylog Cluster consists of several components: Graylog server  - Log processor Graylog web UI  - Graylog web user interface MongoDB  - store configuration and the dead letter messages ElasticSearch  - store messages (if you lose your ElasticSearch data, the messages are gone) In this blog post, we are going to deploy a Graylog cluster, with a MongoDB Replica Set deployed using ClusterControl. We will configure the Graylog cluster to be able to collect syslog from several devices through a load balanced syslog TCP running on HAProxy. This is to allow high availability single endpoint access with auto failover in case if any of the Graylog...