Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 5, 2016

Setup And Configure OpenVPN Server On CentOS 6.5

Introduction OpenVPN  is a robust and highly flexible tunneling application that uses all of the encryption, authentication, and certification features of the OpenSSL library to securely tunnel IP networks over a single TCP/UDP port. OpenVPN is developed by James Yonan of OpenVPN Technologies. In this brief guide, let us setup OpenVPN server on CentOS 6.5, and connect from a remote client. For the purpose of this tutorial, I use two systems running with CentOS 6.5, one acts as VPN server and other one acts as VPN client. Part One – VPN Server Side Configuration Here, I use CentOS 6.5 as VPN server, and it’s actual IP address is Prerequisites OpenVPN and it’s dependencies are not available in the CentOS default repositories. So, we should install the  “EPEL”  repository in order to install OpenVPN and its dependencies. To enable EPEL repository On CentOS, refer the following link. Install EPEL Repository On CentOS / RHEL / Scientific Linux ...

Using HAproxy in multi core environments

HAproxy  is a great load balancing solution that we use at  Instela . We use HAProxy in a 8-Cores bare metal machine and we also use it to offload SSL encryption. Although HAproxy is very effective solution in terms of CPU usage, SSL offloading obviously needs more CPU power, thus, using only one core could be easily a bottleneck. Apart from this, also we did not want to waste other cores and we decided to activate  not recommended multi core support. The configuration is pretty straightforward. At the  global  section of  haproxy.cfg , we put these directives: nbproc 15 cpu - map 1 1 cpu - map 2 2 cpu - map 3 3 cpu - map 4 4 cpu - map 5 5 cpu - map 6 6 cpu - map 7 7 cpu - map 8 8 cpu - map 9 9 cpu - map 10 10 cpu - map 11 11 cpu - map 12 12 cpu - map 13 13 cpu - map 14 14 cpu - map 15 1...