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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2016

How To Add A Tag (Log prefix) To Syslog Entries

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Within the Syslog-ng client configuration, you can specify the  log_prefix()  option and the string you wish to prefix a given log source. The tag has a specific syntax that must contain a : (colon) and a whitespace after the string (e.g. "VC_APP: " ). Using the vCenter Server as example, we could add the following tags: After restarting the syslog-ng client for the changes to going into effect, you can head over to your syslog server to view the updated syslog entries. In the screenshot below, we can see we have log sources from both our  VC_APP (vpxd.log) and  VC_IS  (ds.log) entries as specified in our syslog-ng client configurations. Note:  For newer versions of syslog-ng,  program_override()  is used instead of log_prefix(). The syntax for that would be  program_override("VC_APP"). Syslog-ng Multiline Log: 2016-03-29 14:43:41.882 ERROR 19823 --- [9091-exec-11485] ....................with root cause java.lang.IllegalArg...

Install And Register Spacewalk Client To The Spacewalk Server

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This is the third part of the Spacewalk server installation and configuration series in CentOS 7. The first two parts described how to install and configure Spacewalk server and how to manage Spacewalk channels and repositories. Install And Configure Spacewalk In CentOS 7 How To Manage Spacewalk Channels And Repositories In this tutorial, let use see how to install Spacewalk clients and how to register them to our Spacewalk server. Install And Register Spacewalk Client Install Spacewalk clients: My client system details are: Operating system  : CentOS 7 64 bit minimal IP address  : Hostname  : client.unixmen.local Run the following command in your client systems: yum install rhn - client - tools rhn - check rhn - setup rhnsd m2crypto yum - rhn - plugin If your CentOS client default repositories doesn’t have the above packages by default, add EPEL and Spacewalk repository, and try again. yum install epel-release rpm -Uvh http://y...

How To Manage Spacewalk Channels And Repositories

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In our previous tutorial, we discussed  how to install and configure Spacewalk server in CentOS 7  server. This is the second part of Spacewalk server. In this tutorial, let us discuss how to manage Spacewalk Channels, types of channels, and how to assign repositories to the channels. Manage Spacewalk Channels As you may know, Red Hat Satellite server and Spacewalk server is working based on the concept of Channels. A channel is a logical collection of packages. The channel may contain packages from a specific distribution, also a channel may contain packages for a specific application or group of applications. The users can also define their own channels. Any Spacewalk client can subscribe to a channel to download, update, install packages. The channels are linked to a normal YUM repository. A channel can be linked to several repositories. We can clone, sync or customize the channels. There are two type of channels. Base channel ; Child channel. The  Base ...

How to install SpaceWalk on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

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Spacewalk is an open source package and system management solution for RedHat derivative distributions like CentOS, Scientific Linux and  Fedora , developed by the spacewalk community. Spacewalk is the upstream project for the source of ​Red Hat Satellite, It is released under GPLv2 license. Spacewalk provides the web interface to manage and view the updates for the system that are registered with Spacewalk, we can initiate the task such as install, update, inventory, and so on. Here is the small tutorial about installing Spacewalk on  CentOS 7 / RHEL 7 . Features: Inventory of the systems Install and Update system packages. Configuring Kick-start installation. Deploy and Manage the configuration files from singe location Start / Stop / Configure the guests. Distribute the content across the multiple Geo graphical location using spacewalk proxy. Prerequsites Outbound open ports 80, 443 Inbound open ports 80, 443, 5222 (only if you want to push actions to clie...