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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2015

How To Install and Configure Monit on Linux

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Monit  ( A Process and Services Monitoring Tool) is a small Open Source utility for monitoring and managing Unix like systems. Monit monitors the server programs to increase services uptime and ensures that they stay online consistently. This article will help you to install and configure Monit on CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, Ubuntu, Dabian and Scientific Linux. Monit has capability to monitory any of services running on system, We just only need to add settings in it. In this article we will only show you configuration for few services only. Step 1: Install Monit Monit can be easily installed with package manager in most of Linux flavors. For CentOS/RHEL users need to  enable epel repository  in his system before installing it. On CentOS, RHEL, Fedora and Scientific Linux # yum install monit On Debian/Ubuntu $ sudo apt-get install monit On Arch pacman -S monit Step 2: Enable Web Interface in Monit (Optional For CLI Lovers)  Monit also provided an web in...

How to Install ElasticSearch (Multi Node) Cluster on CentOS/RHEL

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ElasticSearch  is flexible and powerful open source, distributed real-time search and analytic engine. Using a simple set of APIs, it provides the ability for full-text search. Elastic search is freely available under the Apache 2 license, which provides most flexibility. This article will help you for configuring ElasticSearch Multi Node Cluster on CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu and Debian Systems. In ElasticSearch multi node cluster is just configuring multiple single node clusters with same cluster name in same network. Network Scenerio We have three server with following ips and host names. All server are running in same LAN and have full access to each other server using ip and hostname both. NODE_1 NODE_2 NODE_3 Verify Java (All Nodes) Java is the primary requirement for installing ElasticSearch. So make sure you have Java installed on all nodes. # java -version java version " 1.8.0_31 " Java(TM) SE Runtime En...

CWP Control Panel quản trị máy chủ Web

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Nếu bạn muốn sử dụng webserver thông dụng Apache và có bảng điều khiển chi tiết cũng như hỗ trợ nhiều tính năng vượt trội thì có thể thử qua control panel Centos Web Panel mà mình sẽ giới thiệu dưới đây. Centos Web Panel là gì? Nó giống như cPanel và WHM mà mọi người thường dùng, Centos Web Panel (CWP) được dùng để quản trị mọi thứ trong server thông qua các thao tác click, click và click thay vì gõ từng dòng command khiến bạn phát ngán. Không giống VirtualMin hay Koloxo, khi vừa cài CWP xong bạn có thể chạy tốt WordPress như các share host nước ngoài một cách bình thường mà không cần cấu hình gì thêm. Bộ CWP bao gồm các tính năng sau: Cài sẵn nhiều phiên bản PHP, bạn có thể đổi phiên bản trong 1 cú click. PHP cũng đã được tối ưu hóa để tăng tỷ lệ hiệu suất lên 20%. Cài sẵn MySQL và PhpMyAdmin đã được bảo mật. Cài sẵn Varnish cache, bạn chỉ cần bật lên và chạy mà thôi. Được dùng để tăng tốc và giảm tải cho máy chủ (dùng kèm với W3 Total Cache là tuyệt vời). ...

How to Sync Two Apache Web Servers/Websites Using Rsync

here are so many tutorials available on web to mirror or take a backup of your web files with different methods, here I am creating this article for my future reference and here I’ll be using a very simple and versatile command of  Linux  to create a backup of your website. This tutorial will help you to sync data between your two web servers with “ Rsync “. The purpose of creating a mirror of your  Web Server  with  Rsync  is if your main web server fails, your backup server can take over to reduce downtime of your website. This way of creating a web server backup is very good and effective for small and medium size web businesses. Advantages of Syncing Web Servers The main advantages of creating a web server backup with rsync are as follows: Rsync syncs only those bytes and blocks of data that have changed. Rsync has the ability to check and delete those files and directories at backup server that have been deleted from the main web server. It ...

Multiple sites using Apache Virtualhost directive

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A useful and easy way to setup multiple web sites using the  Apache HTTP Server  is the practice of the virtual host: that is the ability to host multiple web sites on the same instance of httpd service. The community offers an impressive number of modules and libraries that allow you to extend the of Apache core functionality. In this article I will show how to use the  proxy_ajp_module  extension to configure multiple web sites dns on the same server using the “ VirtualHost ” Apache directive. The following figure shows the scenario that I will examine. Apache Web Server – IP: Install, if not present, the http Apache Web Server and check proxy_ajp module. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12   $ yum install httpd . . . . . . . . $ httpd - M | grep proxy proxy_module ( shared ) proxy_balancer_module ( shared ) proxy_ftp_module ( shared ) proxy_http_module ( shared ) proxy_ajp_modu...