Add a Zabbix proxy to an existing Zabbix server
So; you have an existing and working Zabbix server and would like to add a Zabbix proxy server? Here are the steps: Install zabbix-proxy On a new host (likely in some remote network) install the software package zabbix-proxy: yum install zabbix-proxy chkconfig zabbix-proxy on We'll need to configure it, but that's a later step. Create a database Another easy step, maybe you already have a database infrastructure on the remote network, otherwise you can always install a database server locally: yum install mysql /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'MyPassword' chkconfig mysql on service mysqld start No matter where the database server is located, zabbix-proxy needs it's own database: GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON zabbix.* TO 'zabbix'@'localhost' identified by 'MyZabbixPassword'; The database schema also needs to be populated. That schema can be found from the zabbix source code package, in database/mysq...